What’s one thing you wish someone told you before entering the NFT space?
The content in this article comes from the archive of my Twitter series, Crypto Art Question of the Day. I asked “What’s one thing you wish someone told you before entering the NFT space?” and these are some of the insights.
Trash Art: A Short History
Trash Art is a new genre that uses existing media to create new works much in the same way collage and installation works took found or junk objects and incorporated them into a larger piece. Its history of thought and progression is outlined in the text.
The Origins of Trash Art
This article covers the origins of trash art, which can be seen in the found art and junk art movements. The thoughts here inform the discussion about trash art in the next article. This article is the first in a two-part series.
CryptoArt: A Brief History
Crypto art has been around since 2011. This is a brief overview of key moments within crypto art over the last decade.
Unofficial Punks
The Unofficial Punks revolutionized the use of CryptoPunks as a template for artistic expression and exploration, serving as the progenitor of a sprawling decentralized art movement. This is evidenced by the fact that since the altpunks movement started, Punks derivatives are consistently the go-to starter template for artists, platforms, blockchains, and collectors introducing new artworks,…
The People’s Potato
The Fungible Non-fungible Token (NFT) As far as NFT art goes, The People’s Potato is a one-click moshed potato. It’s an intentionally low-effort, low-quality NFT. And that’s what makes this a fine piece of Trash Art. But it’s so much more than that! I believe scarcity is an objective ideal in cryptocurrency economics attached to…
What are the Skyscapes? The Skyscapes is a series of 99 studies, with each study being a unique 1-of-1 digital original. I utilized a variety of remixing apps, tools, and techniques to distort images in my artmaking process. This particular study was designed to push my boundaries and explore new avenues for creating dynamic abstracted…
Tune-In Series
This series is focused on mainstream media’s ability to hijack people’s thoughts, dreams, beliefs, and habits.
The Weeds
“In the weeds, repetition is a revolution.” — Eric Paul Rhodes Where innovation and creation occurred long before some capitalists came by and tried to muck it all up. The definition of weeds is any plant that grows where you don’t want it to grow. Before gardens were curated, buds nipped, trees pruned, and fruit…